Chiropraxis Hamburg
Hermann-Behn-Weg 10
20146 Hamburg
Subway, bus or car
U1 Hallerstraße
The U1 Hallerstraße is only about 100 meters away from the Chiropraxis Hamburg.
Please take either the Turmweg/Multimediazentrum exit or alternatively the elevator.
Hermann-Behn-Weg is directly opposite the Hallerstraße U1 underground station.
Bus stop 15 and 34 Hallerstraße
Bus 34 stops at U-Hallerstraße (Rothenbaumchaussee), bus 15 stops at U-Hallerstraße (Hallerstraße). Both are only about 150 meters away from Chiropraxis Hamburg. Walk along Rothenbaumchaussee in the direction of the city center and then turn right into Hermann-Behn-Weg.
Parking in the street
You can park directly in Hermann-Behn-Weg (€2/hour for non-residents), Hallerplatz, Schlüterstraße, Rothenbaumchaussee and Turmweg.
Parking in the underground garage
We have 3 patient parking spaces in the building. The underground garage is a forklift garage where the cars stand on moving platforms. It is
on the
of your car, otherwise it will be
will be damaged. We have two pitches with a height limit of
150 CM
and one with a height limit of
170 CM
. The entrance to the garage is right next to the house entrance. The operation of the garage is explained in the notice next to the control panel on the left-hand wall. All 3 places are located behind the same gate, which is marked with a “Chiropraxis Hamburg” sign.
Please consider our lunch break 🙂
Mondays to Thursdays we have our lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00 and therefore the practice is closed during this time.
Contact us
Phone: +49 (0)40 461420
Telephone times
Monday – Thursday – 08:00-13:00 & 14:00-18:00
Friday – 08:00-17:00
Saturday & Sunday – closed
Email us
Contact us
+49 (0) 40461420
Telephone times
Monday – Thursday – 08:00-13:00 & 14:00-18:00
Friday – 08:00-17:00
Saturday & Sunday – closed