Here you can see answers to frequently asked questions from patients

Frequently Asked Questions – general

Does the health insurance company or private health insurance pay?

In most cases, privately insured patients are reimbursed either all or at least part of the costs.

Patients with statutory health insurance usually bear the costs themselves, but there are exceptions.

Please click here to find out more!

Do I need a doctorÂŽs referral?


Unless you have a very special contract with your health insurance company that explicitly requires a referral. However, this is extremely rare.

Do I need to bring x-rays or MRI / CT with me?

If you have X-ray images and/or MRI and/or CT scans, please bring them with you – also on CD. If you do not have any images, you can still come to us unless you have had an accident so serious that a fracture cannot be ruled out without images.

Up to what age is chiropractic adjustment possible?

Chiropractic adjustment according to the Gonstead method (we only use the Gonstead method) can be performed at any age. The youngest patient in the Hamburg chiropractic practice was only 5 hours old and the oldest patient was 101 years old.

Does a chiropractic adjustment hurt?

No, normally the adjustment is painless. There are cases where the patient is very acute and has a lot of inflammation in the joint and nerve, where the adjustment can hurt, but the pain is usually less than the patient expects.

How long does a adjustment take?

The initial consultation, examination and treatment will take about half an hour, and we ask you to come to the practice 20 minutes before treatment to fill in the registration forms.

How many adjustments do I need?

We do not have a fixed plan, but it is always individual from patient to patient how many treatments you need.

It depends, among other things, on what complaints you have and the condition of your spine and how your body reacts to the treatments. Some patients are pain free in 3 or 5 treatments and others need 8 or 12 or even more treatments to become pain free and stable.

Where does the crackling come from? Does it always crack when adjusting?

The cracking during adjustment is called cavitation. During adjustment, the joints are opened slightly (pushed apart), which creates a vacuum in the joint capsule and suddenly releases dissolved gases in the joint fluid, resulting in a cracking sound.

Yes, it normally cracks every time the spine is adjusted.

Does every chiropractor use the same adjustment method?

No! Although all chiropractors have a 5-year chiropractic degree, there are many different and very different treatment methods. At Chiropraxis Hamburg we exclusively use the Gonstead method. The Gonstead method is very well known around the world, now also very popular on YouTube, but is very rarely offered in Germany.

Does the spine become worn out and unstable due to chiropractic adjustments?

No, not if the Gonstead method is used, because the high precision of the Gonstead adjustments means that only blocked joints are adjusted. Blocked vertebrae have a tendency to re-block over time and never become hypermobile or unstable.

Where do the patients at the Hamburg chiropractic practice come from?

Our patients come from all over Germany, but also from abroad! We have already had patients from Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Dubai, Kuwait, Seychelles, Serbia, Croatia, Monte negro, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Spain, Italy, Holland, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, etc.

If I am coming from far away in Germany or from abroad, how many days should I plan to stay for adjustments?

Patients from, for example, Munich or Frankfurt or Cologne typically come for 3 days (sometimes even a week) and then get 2 adjustments/visits per day. Patients from abroad usually stay for at least a week and also receive 2 visits/adjustments per day.

Frequently Asked Questions – Gonstead

Why Gonstead and no other method?

We have specialized 100% in the Gonstead method because we see successes that would otherwise not be possible due to the extreme specificity and the biomechanically most effective method.

Can Gonstead be used at any age?

Gonstead is ideal for all ages. The age of our patients ranges from 5 hours old to 101 years old.

Gonstead and Babies ?

Gonstead Chiropractic is an excellent treatment method for babies. In Denmark, where chiropractic is much more common, almost a quarter of all babies go to a chiropractor.

Gonstead and osteoporosis patients ?

Patients with osteoporosis can go to Gonstead Chiropractor without hesitation. The treatment is of course always adapted to the respective condition of the patient.

Gonstead and herniated disc (prolapse) ?

Gonstead Chiropractic is also very safe and effective for patients with herniated discs (prolapse).

What is different about the Gonstead technique?

The Gonstead technique is extremely precise both in the examination, where the Nervoscope is used at every visit, and in the adjustment.

Does a patient have to be undressed for a Gonstead adjustment?

Yes, of course. Of course, it is not possible to measure with the Nervoscope through clothing, and precise palpation (feeling the spine for blocked areas and pressure pain, edema, etc.) cannot be carried out through clothing either.

Are there any other requirements for Gonstead adjustment apart from the Nervoscope?

There are 4 different very special couches/chairs developed by Dr. Gonstead used for the treatment.

Does a Gonstead adjustment hurt?

As a rule, Gonstead adjustment is painless. In a few cases it can hurt, but then only for a second, …or 2 🙂

Who needs a chiropractor?


Everyone, whether baby, toddler, teenager, adult or pensioner, needs a chiropractor if they want to be as healthy, as active, as fit & mobile and as pain-free as possible

Chiropractic is part of a healthy lifestyle

as well as healthy food, exercise and sufficient sleep and rest

Chiropractic is as important for athletes as the training itself

There are numerous studies that prove that chiropractic improves performance

Chiropractic also helps when the doctor says I have to live with it

You may have to live with osteoarthritis, for example, but that doesn’t mean you have to live with the pain

Chiropractic often helps, even if the doctor says that surgery is the only solution

The majority of patients with herniated discs can be helped by chiropractic without surgery. Knee and shoulder operations etc. can also often be avoided with chiropractic care

Contact us

+49 (0) 40 461420



Telephone times

Monday – Thursday – 08:00-13:00 & 14:00-18:00
Friday – 08:00-17:00
Saturday & Sunday – Closed