

Baby colic

Sport & Extremities


Other diseases


Neck pain


Jaw pain
Patients come to us more frequently with jaw pain as well as tooth pain (teeth have already been ruled out as a cause by the dentist). The pain can be a radiation from the cervical spine to the temporomandibular joint and or in the lower or upper jaw and can actually feel like tooth pain. It can also be caused by a displacement of the temporomandibular joint, which is even more common. A temporomandibular joint dislocation can also cause the patient to grind or clench their teeth at night. We adjust the cervical spine if necessary and we also adjust the temporomandibular joints if necessary. Some patients can even do without a grinding splint as a result.

Patients often come to us with various shoulder problems such as pain during movement and / or at rest, as well as with frozen shoulder / calcified shoulder. We help patients by examining the shoulder for subluxations (displacements) and adjusting it if necessary. However, it is also very important to examine the spine for subluxations (displacements) and adjust if necessary. All nerves that go to the arm and shoulder come from the spine and are usually inflamed due to a subluxation. If only the shoulder is treated and not the spine, the desired success is usually not achieved.
Tennis & golf elbow
Patients often come to us with both tennis elbow and golf elbow, which incidentally often occurs without having played tennis or golf. Some people now also refer to tennis elbow as mouse elbow, from the computer mouse. We help patients by examining the elbow for subluxations (displacements) and adjusting it if necessary. However, it is also very important to examine the spine for subluxations (displacements) and adjust if necessary. All nerves that go to the arm and elbow come from the spine and are usually inflamed due to a subluxation. If only the elbow is treated and not the spine, the desired success is usually not achieved.

Hand / carpal tunnel
Patients often come to us with pain in the hand or fingers as well as carpal tunnel syndrome. We help patients by examining the carpal bones and the fingers for subluxations (displacements) and adjusting them if necessary. However, it is also very important to examine the spine for subluxations (displacements) and adjust if necessary. All nerves that go to the arm and hand come from the spine and are usually inflamed due to a subluxation. If only the hand and fingers are treated and not the spine, the desired success is usually not achieved.
Patients often come to us with knee problems such as meniscus, Paatella, Osgood-Schlatter, osteoarthritis and others. We help patients by examining the knee for subluxations (displacements) and adjusting it if necessary. It is also very important to examine the spine for subluxations and adjust if necessary. All nerves that go to the leg and knee come from the spine and are usually inflamed by a subluxation. If only the knee is treated and not the spine, the desired success is often not achieved. !

Foot / Hallux Valgus
Patients often come to us with foot problems, such as sprains/ligament sprains and general foot pain, as well as toe joint pain and hallux valgus. We help patients by examining the foot and toes for subluxations (displacements) and adjusting them if necessary. However, it is also very important to examine the spine for subluxations (displacements) and adjust if necessary. All nerves that go to the leg and foot come from the spine and are usually inflamed due to a subluxation. If only the foot and toes are treated and not the spine, the desired success is usually not achieved.
If you twist your ankle and sprain it or overstretch your ligaments, some joints in the foot are generally subluxated (displaced) because otherwise it would not be possible to stretch the ligaments. If the subluxations in the foot are not corrected, the foot will often not be 100% free in movement and often a small residual swelling remains and typically the foot will twist again and again in the future, which can be partially corrected by chiropractic adjustments.
Contact us
+49 (0) 40 461420
Telephone times
Monday – Thursday – 08:00-13:00 & 14:00-18:00
Friday – 08:00-17:00
Saturday & Sunday – closed